
The governance of the firm will be in the hands of individuals whose main duties will be:


ü To ensure that the firm lives up to the expectations of its investors


ü To monitor the firm and its portfolio companies


ü To monitor the overall performance of the firm


ü To ensure that the management teams of the portfolio companies execute their strategy in accordance with the guidelines and protocols dictated as a consequence of the proprietary “Labyrinthine Path”.


As the Core Investment Portfolio of the firm will be quite atomised, the main challenge of the governing team will be to monitor effectively and efficiently quite a large number of small companies.



The Founder is the father, guardian and guarantor of the Vision, Investment Strategy and Proprietary Model of the firm.

Committee of Partners and Associates

All the co-owners of the firm will form what will be called the Committee of Partners and Associates.

Investment Committee

An Investment Committee will be established to review potential or existing investments.

Advisory Committee

Representatives of the Limited Partners will be appointed to serve on an Advisory Committee to be established.

Portfolio Boards

Each portfolio of the Consolidated Investment Portfolio will have a specific board whose members will have a broad view of the strategy of the firm.

Other Boards

There will be a board that will analyse the events from a global standpoint at every relevant level.


Our private equity firm is built around human identity and behavioural psychology.