The Research

The research effort that led to our investment strategy has been a constrained optimisation exercise. After a first phase of clearance that included all the steps of our Research Issue, we have chosen to concentrate on the management and organisation of uncertainty. It is worth mentioning that the research process has been iterative and nonlinear.


Adherence to the Theoretical Body


We worked at studying the theoretical body developed by professors Delvaux and Defrenne. We have adhered to it for the following reasons: its scientificity, its internal consistency, its ability to portray faithfully the effective behaviour of business entities, and its generalisability.  


Updating the Theoretical Body


Fully aware of the time elapsed since the development of the concerned theoretical body, we have submitted it to a test of compatibility with the creation and development of a current organisation, by retaining an array of factors linked to the evolution of the general environment since then. We have decided to concentrate on well-defined parameters, laying in that way the foundations of the precinct of our system.  


Application to Private Equity


We have then applied the theoretical body to private equity with a research question that could be spelled as follows: “Can we consider exploiting the Labyrinthine Path and Daedalean Experience with the aim of composing a portfolio of investments in the field of private equity?


Fikula Capital Management


The aim of this step was to develop a unique offer in the field of private equity. The heart of this endeavour was to create a link between the Chaodynamics of Uncertainty and private equity through Real Options. All that, seen through the lens of our Founder’s conceptual approach, given that he is naturally called to become the manager of the assets to be entrusted to our firm.


Effective Strategy of Adaptation


This last step of the research concentrated on modelling the active management of the fund after its creation. The goal was to define, in a final manner, the parameters that could be included in our operational closure and to find reliable solutions to inspire the portfolio of projects.




Our private equity firm is built around human identity and behavioural psychology.