Strategic Ventures

Our very own definition of a strategic venture is any venture that is such that it is not fully in line with our Investment Philosophy but is nonetheless helpful inasmuch as, on the one hand, it is profitable whether financially or operationally, and, on the other hand, it gives us an opportunity to exploit complementarities with prospective Strategic Investors. The main purpose of such a venture is to take advantage of a temporary situation or event that we could use as a stepping stone in view of convincing a prospective Strategic Investor to invest in our first fund.   


Goodness of fit


As a general rule, a Strategic Venture does not fit properly with our Proprietary Model. It is therefore not meant to remain on a long-term basis in our Consolidated Portfolio.


Identification of Strategic Ventures


While carrying out our research with decorrelation in mind, we have generated a list of opportunities to be put forward to potential Strategic Investors given the market conditions and our mid-term goals.


We will however leave the door open to any proposition likely to help us reach our objectives.   


Type of deal


To us, strategic venturing is quite similar to project-entrepreneurship. We could be part of any project that could potentially further our goals within the limits of our capabilities, regardless of the industry or size of the project.


Conflicts of interest


Conflicts of interest will most probably arise during the execution of some projects. We will however be transparent with all the stakeholders and shorten as much as possible the period during which interests of some partners are in conflict with those of others.


Exiting the strategic ventures



Interests bought by Strategic Investors are meant to be sold to institutional investors later on. Once our organisation is on more solid footing as it relates to its risk, and our Strategic Investors have been able to harvest the benefits that made them enter a riskier investment in the first place, we will exit those strategic ventures towards a better faithfulness to the tenets of our Investment Philosophy.   


Our private equity firm is built around human identity and behavioural psychology.