Specialty Wholesale

Our Specialty Wholesale Portfolio regroups all the holdings and interests of our ventures related to wholesaling.     


From a Business Perspective


At portfolio level, the main features of our business strategy are as follows:


ü Establishment of physical facilities and e-commerce websites


ü New brands of wholesale businesses


ü Target small to medium-sized customer base


ü European-based


ü International footprint


ü Build a lasting relationship with the customer


From an Investment Perspective 


 Our Investment Strategy has led us to favour the following options:


ü Lead investor and project manager


ü Mostly not a majority stakeholder


ü Co-ownership of the brands


ü Both mature and emerging economies


ü Seek synergies and economies of scale in the supply chain


ü Some accretive operations to accelerate establishment


ü Strategic partnerships and alliances




Our private equity firm is built around human identity and behavioural psychology.